Our Liner
It all starts with the liner
In 1998, construction began on Cell #2, a fully-lined facility with an engineering design that exceeds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards.
This state-of-the-art liner system includes layers of 60-mil-thick textured HDPE (high density polyethylene plastic) materials, geosynthetic clay liner and a leachate collection and removal system that removes the liquid from decomposing trash. Each lined cell has approximately four years of capacity.
Exploring the liner from top to bottom
At Dry Creek Landfill, the liner is an engineering marvel that is comprised of 13 distinct layers of material. Here’s a look at the different layers:
- Operations Layer
- Primary Leachate Drainage Layer
- Primary Leachate Collection Pipe
- Geotextile Cushion
- Primary Geomembrane
- Geosynthetic Clay Liner
- Vapor Barrier (Geomembrane)
- Secondary Leachate Drainage Layer
- Secondary Leachate Collection Pipe
- Geotextile Cushion
- Secondary Geomembrane
- Prepared Subgrade
- Native Ground