Visit the Dry Creek Landfill

Schedule A Landfill Tour

Ever wonder how a modern landfill works? Here’s your chance to find out. Using the form below, schedule a tour for your business, school group, club or organization. Tours last approximately 90 minutes and require a minimum of 10 participants — one group or bus load at a time.

Highlights of the tour include an opportunity to see how we convert gas from decomposing trash to renewable energy. Plus a variety of environmental controls to make sure groundwater and nearby ecosystems are protected. You’ll also see the high-tech liner system, along with the leachate collection and removal system that removes the rainwater that filters through the trash. Today’s landfill is a complex feat of environmental engineering and this is your chance to explore the behind the scenes story up close.

Things You’ll Learn About On The Tour

  • How a landfill is built
  • Daily landfill operations
  • Waste disposal area
  • Environmental control systems
  • Gas-to-energy system
  • Turning green waste into nutrient-rich compost

Basic Tour Requirements:

  • Tours are given Tuesday-Thursday, year round, from 8 am to 2 pm
    • schedule at least two months in advance
  • Groups must provide their own transportation in one vehicle that can be driven around the facility
    • bus or passenger van
    • a Dry Creek Landfill staff member will board the vehicle and assist in guiding the driver to various stopping points
    • terrain consists of pavement and solid dirt roads
  • Visitors must be at least five years old
  • All participants are required to sign a Landfill Tour Waiver Form
    • parent or legal guardian must sign for students under 18
  • Participants must wear closed-toe shoes
    • for clothing, wear weather-appropriate layers
  • Dry Creek Landfill reserves the right to cancel tours because of unfavorable weather conditions or safety concerns
    • in the event the ground is saturated from heavy rains, the group will stay in the vehicle for the duration of the tour
  • A restroom is available before or after the tour at the gas-to-energy building
  • If you need to cancel, please provide at least 48 hours notice so we can adjust operations accordingly
    • if you’re going to be late on the day of your tour, let your tour provider know
Schedule a Tour
Tours are given Tuesday - Thursday.
Please choose a time between 8am and 3:30pm. Actual time will be confirmed when the tour is scheduled.