Pipeline for Waste Water
This 3.3 mile pipeline starts at the leachate ponds by the Gas-to-Energy building and runs along the haul road to the compost facility. From here, it flows by trench through a pipeline that ends at the shooting range at the Jackson County Sports Park. This is where it ties into the Rogue Valley sewer system.

At 2016 leachate generation rates, it would have taken 4,000 truckloads of waste water travelling by road — 11 truckloads a day — to carry the same amount of water that the pipeline carries today. When allocating resources, we are always very cognitive of maximizing safety measures and making a positive impact on the communities around us. The wastewater pipeline, for example, helped improve air quality throughout the area. It also improved public safety by moving noisy, heavy trucks off of local roads — a benefit for nearby neighborhoods.
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